
With the new standards, come new assessments.  Two state-led consortias are developing the new generation of assessments.  The two groups develping the new assessments are the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).


The Connecticut Mastery Tests will be a thing of the past as of the 2014-15 school year. Connecticut will be using the assessments developed by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, one of the state-led group developing assessments that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards.  Smarter Balanced has involved experienced educators, researchers, state and local policymakers, and community groups in the development of the new assessments. 


The latest news and samples of the assessments being developed are available on the Smarter Balanced website, as well as a timeline of development and implementation.  A link on the home page also provides the opportunity for monthly updates, via email, on the progress being made by Smarter Balanced as well as information about activities in member states.


A comprehensive report about the assessments being developed by both Smarter Balanced and PARCC provides a deeper look at each developer and their assessment components.