Alternate Assessments

In addition to the assessments being developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and PARCC, there are three other consortia that have received funding to design the next generation of assessments.


The National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) and the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Alternate Assessment System Consortium are developing assessments for students with cognitive disabilities.  NCSC is focus is to create alternate assessments that can be used to evaluate the performance of students who are unable to use general state tests even with the use of accommodations.  Connecticut is one of eighteen partner states in the NCSC consortium.   NCSC is developing a full system of formative assessment tools and strategies, professional development on uses of data for progress monitoring, and management systems.  To read more visit NCSC's or the University of Minnesota's websites.  DLM is the other consortium developing alternate assessments and utilizes items and tasks embedded in day-to-day instruction, therefore testing happens as a part of instruction.  Visit DLM's website to learn more about this consortium.  


The final consortium is Assessment Services Supporting English Learners Through Technology Systems (ASSETS) who is developing assessments for English Language Learners.  ASSETS is developing a system that will include a computer-based language proficiency test, screener, benchmark assessments, and formative resources.  ASSETS's website is limited as it is under construction, but more information can be found at WIDA (World Class Instructional Design and Assessment).